Platform-Based Behavior-Level and System-Level Synthesis
J. Cong, Y. Fan, G. Han, W. Jiang, and Z. Zhang
With the rapid increase of complexity in System-on-a-Chip (SoC) design,
the electronic design automation (EDA)
community is moving from RTL (Register Transfer Level)
synthesis to behavioral-level and system-level synthesis. The
needs of system-level verification and software/hardware co-
design also prefer behavior-level executable specifications, such
as C or SystemC. In this paper we present the platform-based
synthesis system, named xPilot, being developed at UCLA. The
first objective of xPilot is to provide novel behavioral synthesis
capability for automatically generating efficient RTL code from
a C or SystemC description for a given system platform and
optimizing the logic, interconnects, performance, and power
simultaneously. The second objective of xPilot is to provide a
platform-based system-level synthesis capability, including both
synthesis for application-specific configurable processors and
heterogeneous multi-core systems. Preliminary experiments on
FPGAs demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on a wide range
of applications and its value in exploring various design tradeoffs.
"Platform-Based Behavior-Level and System-Level Synthesis"
J. Cong, Y. Fan, G. Han, W. Jiang, and Z. Zhang
Proceedings of IEEE International SOC Conference, pp. 199-202, Austin, Texas, Sept. 2006.