LLVM-CHiMPS: Compilation Environment for FPGAs Using LLVM Compiler Infrastructure and CHiMPS Computational Model
Seung J. Lee, David K. Raila, and Volodymyr V. Kindratenko


CHiMPS (Compiling High level language to Massively Pipelined System) system, developed by Xilinx is gaining popularity due to its convenient computational model and architecture for field programmable gate array computing. The CHiMPS system utilizes CHiMPS target language as an intermediate representation to bridge between the high level language and the data flow architecture generated from it. However, currently the CHiMPS frontend does not provide many commonly used optimizations and has some use restrictions. In this paper we present an alternative compiler environment based on low level virtual machine compiler environment extended to generate CHiMPS target language code for the CHiMPS architecture. Our implementation provides good support for global optimizations and analysis and overcomes many limitations of the original Xilinx CHiMPS compiler. Simulation results from codes based on this approach show to outperform those obtained with the original CHiMPS compiler.


"LLVM-CHiMPS: Compilation Environment for FPGAs Using LLVM Compiler Infrastructure and CHiMPS Computational Model"
Seung J. Lee, David K. Raila, and Volodymyr V. Kindratenko.
Reconfigurable Systems Summer Institute 2008 (RSSI'08) , Champaign, IL, July 2008.



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