An Early Real-Time Checker for Retargetable Compile-Time Analysis
Emilio Wuerges, Luiz C. V. dos Santos, Olinto Furtado, and Sandro Rigo


With the demand for energy-efficient embedded computing and the rise of heterogeneous architectures, automatically retargetable techniques are likely to grow in importance. On the one hand, retargetable compilers do not handle real-time constraints properly. On the other hand, conventional worst-case execution time (WCET) approaches are not automatically retargetable: measurement-based methods require time-consuming dynamic characterization of target processors, whereas static program analysis and abstract interpretation are performed in a post-compiling phase, being therefore restricted to the set of supported targets. This paper proposes a retargetable technique to grant early real-time checking (ERTC) capabilities for design space exploration. The technique provides a general (minimum, maximum and exact-delay) timing analysis at compile time. It allows the early detection of inconsistent time-constraint combinations prior to the generation of binary executables, thereby promising higher design productivity. ERTC is a complement to state-of-the-art design flows, which could benefit from early infeasiblity detection and exploration of alternative target processors, before the binary executables are submitted to tight-bound BCET and WCET analyses for the selected target processor.


"An Early Real-Time Checker for Retargetable Compile-Time Analysis"
Emilio Wuerges, Luiz C. V. dos Santos, Olinto Furtado, and Sandro Rigo.
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design (SBCCI'09) , Natal, Brazil, Sep 2009.



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